January 21, 2013

Hornby Island Cemetery sign

New sign for the Island Cemetery. 42" x 32". Should be mounted and in place very soon now. Seems a long time in the making. Printed by ABC press in Courtenay.
For more local and historic photos and essays take a look at the Archives- 

January 15, 2013

Notebooks revisited

looking at owls, hosta leaf overlay and some script I was working on at the time...glyphs

cast paper mask, pendant design and a noebook page of...notes!

sketches for goddess pendants

Sand paintings

Eucalyptus leaf

Eucalyptus leaf figure

Aerial granary

one of the earth mamas

Petroglyph and jua    '95

another earth mama

Shorelines of Emergence
These sand painting are between 30" and 48" square or up to 48" in height.
I collect the sand from one of my favourite beaches, wash and dry and sift it. This is used with acrylic medium and paint on canvas. I apply all the paint 'dry brush'.

Mother and child


A seasonal rip in the fragile fabric of canine sanity
halloween fircrackers with our airedale

Magma Dreaming

fish bones

Notebooks...jewelry and digital paintings

some sketches for pendants, the large one in the center made from a piece of local beach stone and set in silver and reclaimed gold

another notebook page exhumed and tampered with...a sketch for a painting, a drawing of my sister and the pattern for a silver cuff that I made for my friend Cedar.

Both of these images are available as prints.
some of my old jewelry
Cedar and some of her work